What Should Men Wear While Running – Best Tips For You

Running can help you get in a better shape in no time. By devoting few hours of your schedule to running, you can become healthier and fitter. The clothes you wear while running, can help you in your  ordeal to become healthy. If you’re interested in learning about the benefits of running, have a read here!

A better choice in clothing and shoes while running, will help you cover longer distances with more comfort. Men should wear comfortable clothes and shoes while running. 

If you are a new runner wondering ‘what should I wear while running?’, the first thing to know is that you do not need fancy clothes. There is no need to buy fancy running gear to help you in your running regimen.

Running is a pretty low maintenance sport and you would not need much to start. There are many money saving tips for running and you can use them to decide what to wear. 

So, lets talk about the different gear that men need to wear while running. 

The Main 4 Types Of Running Gear

The 4 main components of running gears that men should keep their focus on, are- running shorts, running jackets, running shirt and running shoes. These are the things that an individual new to running, should focus on. A good running gear while make you feel comfortable in the long run. You do not need tight clothes that do not give you the space to breathe freely. 

A good running gear can make your running experience all the more fulfilling. You can enjoy continuing your running streak without any worried. If you have tight fitting clothes or running shoes that just wont fit, then not only would you face difficulties while running, your streak may be broken too. It is very essential that you choose the best running gear while running, to have a better and fulfilling journey to fitness. 

Running Shorts – Show Off Your Legs

We will first be looking into running shorts. As is common knowledge, running should be done in comfortable clothing that does not in any way, hinders your performance.

The same applies to your running shorts too. They should not be too tight to constrict your blood supply down to the legs. Neither should they be so loose that your mind is focused on your running shorts slipping down!

There is a native Irish sport association called GAA. Though not particularly my cup of tea in terms of sports (not very patriotic I know) but the shorts they have are fantastic for running. They are loose at the bottom and nice and snug at the waist. They also come down to about half way down your thigh, making sure that your legs don’t overheat.

When it comes to the type of material that your running shorts should be made up of, then you should keep in mind that running shorts made of nylon are among the best. They are light and soft, which allows them to be a great addition to your running gear. This also makes for good air flow and prevents any sores that can be caused by continuous running.  You will also find that most running shorts take no time to get dry, this is both due to their water repellent nature and due to their lightness.

Most running shorts are shaped to give complete freedom of movement. They are easily a great asset while running, due to their flexibility. They allow ample movement and are great for both- beginners and expert runners training for a marathon.

Men should wear good quality nylon shorts while running, to make it a more pleasurable experience. Most running shorts are designed to do so. Speaking from experience, wearing poor quality shorts leads to blisters down there. Not fun.

Running Shirt – Keeping You Warm Or Cool

Running shirts also need to be of great quality and allow ample freedom of movement. A good quality running shirt should not be too tight. It is best to avoid cotton based shirt when looking for the right running gear. Synthetic polypropylene t-shirts are a good choice for men who want to put on something comfortable while running. You need a lightweight material while running and when you start to sweat. 

A polypropylene t-shirt will be lightweight even when it is wet. It will also wick sweat away from the skin, to the outer layer of the garment. The sweat evaporates from there and the t-shirt is able to keep you dry and comfortable. This will allow you to cover long distances without feeling irritated by the sweat sticking on the inner layer of your garment. You can run farther and longer. 

Depending on your build, jogger nips can be a serious concern for men. This is particularly common on longer runs, 10km or more. Nothing is more alarming than looking down to see streams of blood running down your shirt! A neat trick for reducing jogger nips is to rub Vaseline or another oil based lubricant on your nipples and this will reduce the friction between your nipple and your shirt.

Many men while running, tend to choose full sleeves shirt too. They have their own pros and cons. Most full sleeves shirts are also made up of polypropylene. Though there are many runners who prefer Merino based shirts while running. Merino based shirts are dry even when you are sweating profusely. Their only down side is their cost. But if you can get the best shirt that suits your needs, then it is a good choice. 

I personally prefer to run with shirt sleeved shirts with loose sleeves. I find that I tend to overheat if I have long sleeved shirts. This of course is a personal preference and due to the climate that I run (temperate) and so your needs may be different to mine. I would recommend trying out as few different layers to see what works for you.

Running Jackets – Protection From The Elements

Running jackets are essential in winter, in the rain and in windy weather too. A good quality running jacket worn by men while running, can help them face the odd weather and continue their running streak. Running jackets also make up for a beater appearance overall. You can wear them in the winters and go on with your running even when the weather is against you. 

Another often overlooked fact is visibility. This is particularly important if you are running in the dark, a common occurrence during the winter. Your senses are often heightened when you run and so you may be surprised to learn that road users struggle to see you without visual aid.

Running jackets should be light in weight, should be water resistant and should also be wind resistant. They should be able to protect men from extreme cold, while not being too heavy as to hinder your running. A good quality running jacket can become a crucial asset to help you continue your running streak while the weather outside is too cold or when the winds are blowing cruelly.

Running jackets will be a good addition to your running gear in the long term. You can go out and run without worrying about the weather. There are different varieties of running jackets for men, that can be brought as per your needs. You can use them even if the weather is fine, since most running jackets are light in weight and would not cause any discomfort to you while you continue running.

I often found running jackets useful for training also. They kept me warm between sessions while equipment was being set up. I particularly remember one blustery autumn evening being grateful for my running jacket while my fellow teammates were shivering in the cold.

You can bet your bottom dollar they all had running jackets the next evening session!

One extra little tidbit I want to add to here is that protecting your hands can be a massive thing too. Make sure to check out my article on running gloves.

Running Shoes – One Step At A Time 

Though they are being discussed late, running shoes are the most important part of your running gear bar none. Men should wear good quality running shoes while running, to make sure that they can cover long distances. A pair of good quality running shoes will help you prevent blisters and keep you motivated to continue your running streak. You should be very careful when selecting them.

Running shoes should properly fit. They should neither be too tight, nor should they be too loose. They should provide enough friction to you, so that you have a smooth run. When picking a pair, do not just pick them because you like the brand or the price suits you. You need to but the ones that are most comfortable. 

One other thing to keep in mind is flexibility. When you pick up a runner, take out the shoehorn and bend the runner. See how much spring is in it. If it is too rigid, that can actually hinder your running. However if it too floppy, that can mean there is a lack of support. This can lead to damage to your ankles and injury. There is no set right and wrong way for runners, you have to find what works for you.

You can go to a running specialty store where the staff would measure your foot, analyse tour gait and watch you running on a treadmill. They will then help you pick up the pair which suits you best. There are many running special stores which have experts who can help you make the right choice. Some stores even allow you to take the shoes outdoors and have a go at them to get a better idea. 

Another things to be kept in mind is that when you go out to buy a pair of running shoes for men, keep in mind to wear the socks that you would wear while running. The thickness of the socks can change the comfort of the shoes.

If you do not have a pair with you then you can always ask the sales person to borrow a pair from them. Try out your shoes after that and you can make a more informed choice. Keeping this in mind will help you a lot while buying running shoes. 

Running shoes form the most vital part of your running gear. Using the right pair while you run, can be a deciding factor in whether or not you can keep your streak going. So, gather ample information and then make the right decision, when it comes to buying running shoes. 

I spoke at length about spikes for running in this article here, make sure to check it out to see if spikes are worth your time or not!

These are the things that men should wear while running. While there are many accessories that can be added to your running gear, the above list fits perfectly for both beginners and experts. Using the above items will help you run comfortably and help you get fitter and faster, in no time!

Sam Barrett

With an honours degree from the top university in Ireland in comparative physiology and having won athlete of the year a couple of times, competed at both regional and national level, I may have a couple of things to show you! I am also a qualified assistant coach who has worked with both adults and kids with their athletic goals. Today you can find me running in the evenings and throwing javelins at the weekends.

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